How Efficient Tech Can Boost Customer Satisfaction


Whether you have a small operation that serves a few key clients or an expansive dealership network, the efficiency of your technology and overall sales experience has a direct impact on customer satisfaction.

According to a recent Future of Customer Experience Survey by PwC, a leading professional services provider, “nearly 80% of American consumers say that speed, convenience, and knowledgeable help and friendly service are the most important elements of a positive customer experience.” They go on to recommend “prioritizing technologies that provide these benefits, rather than adopting new technologies for the sake of being cutting edge.”

This is where Basic Software Systems can help. We know that running your business is tough when you rely on multiple tools and limited connectivity. That’s why we’ve worked tirelessly to provide Primus, a web-based solution that consolidates your point-of-sale system into one easy-to-use mobile platform.

With Primus, we can help you streamline and enhance:

· Connectivity
· Scheduling
· Invoicing and Reporting
· Inventory

If you’re shifting from another business system, we’ll make that process more efficient, too. This also means less downtime for your business. You can be up and running (and serving customers!) quickly.

Discover how we can help you create an efficient workflow that will have customers coming back to you again and again. And check back in a few weeks for more information on how the efficiencies Primus provides can bring you the success you deserve.

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During our normal business hours (7:30am - 5:30pm CT), our highly qualified team is available to assist you with any questions you may have.