We Specialize In Service


In addition to providing a powerful solution, we realize it takes extraordinary service from implementation to day-to-day business formalities. This is why we offer specialized services such as Data Conversion, Support, and Training

Data Conversion
If you are switching from another business system, we will convert your data electronically so you won’t lose valuable information. Feel free to call us to discuss details and costs.

During our normal business hours, our highly qualified support team is available to assist you with any questions or issues you may have. They are devoted to serving our customers with industry specific assistance. Our team never stops from first day of system implementation until you don’t need them anymore. They understand that utilizing a new dealership management system can be a journey of uncertainty at first, but they love serving dealers everyday and ensure you with confidence that you chose the right system vendor.
“The support at Basic Software is amazing. Their staff is like family – they personalize your problem and help you a reach a solution. They go above and beyond typical support help.”  Kodak Tractor – Tennesee


We understand learning a new business system can be frustrating and scary. This is why we offer numerous training options to meet your convenience and learning style.  Our instructional training is designed to fit your needs and give you information you need to be productive and successful. All of our courses are taught by knowledgeable trainers who have first-hand experience with using our software.  

If you are looking to change your current Dealership Management System, call our team today.  We want to hear from you! 

Toll-Free: (800) 252-4476
Email: sales@basic-software.com
Web: www.basic-software.com


Contact Us

During our normal business hours (7:30am - 5:30pm CT), our highly qualified team is available to assist you with any questions you may have.